Mencari Layanan Mailing List


Sekarang terasa betapa media komunikasi non-primer (artinya, selain email dan IRC) seperti Telegram terlalu banyak distraksinya. Ada terlalu banyak PM per waktu yang singkat dan ini memblokir konsentrasi saya. Itu belum termasuk pesan membanjir pada grup-grup yang diikuti. Sementara itu, berlawanan kondisinya, proyek-proyek yang butuh konsentasi banyak, dan yang terpenting sekarang proyek Buku Calc I dari Komunitas BLOI, macet karena terblokirnya konsentrasi saya (ya, saya sibuk sekali Oktober ini). Pesan dari satu orang sulit saya baca di Telegram karena tercampur dengan pesan-pesan lain, dan tertumpuk dengan pesan-pesan dia sendiri, tidak seperti di mailing list. Telegram tidak punya archive, mailing list punya (contohnya milik Trisquel). Oleh karena itu, saya sudah mulai memikirkan mengalihkan proyek ke mailing list agar saya bisa konsentrasi penuh dan teman-teman juga bisa. Maka saya harus cari penyedia mailing list (yang bukan Google) dan ini beberapa pranala bagus saya temukan:

Rahasianya, email itu profesional, jadi mailing list itu profesional, para pengembang GNU Project dan KDE Project berkomunikasi pakai mailing list, begitu juga pengembang free software lainnya. Milis itu fokus dan terarah, cocok untuk proyek, tidak seperti Telegram (cocok untuk kursus online saja). Oh ya, dan dengan milis, kita berlatih sama-sama membiasakan diri bekerja & berkoordinasi seperti para pengembang free software.

Maksud hati saya mencari hosting yang sedia GNU Mailman biar rasanya sama persis dengan milis-milis free software (sebab semua proyek pakai Mailman). Namun kalau tak dapat dan waktunya tak cukup, saya pakai yang saya temukan.

Semoga saya bisa.

Tulisan ini berlisensi CC BY-SA 3.0.

Broadcom BCM4313 Tragedy


I wish Broadcom Company would re-release all codes (driver + firmware + docs + everything) for BCM4313 wireless device as free software publicly so nobody will be forced to install the proprietary software such as b43-fwcutter and bcmwl-kernel-source. We Free Software Community principally wish not to use any device that doesn’t respect our freedom, the right to not use proprietary software. When we buy a device, it’s our rights to run that device perfectly (thus, repair it if it doesn’t), so it’s our right to receive the source code of all codes related to that device as free software. By not doing this you don’t respect our rights, and that hurts for us.

While somebody using 100% free Trisquel System but he/she is forced to install those proprietary firmware just to make the BCM4313 WLAN works, this is a tragedy for us. This broke our principles and this hurts.

I wish to you Broadcom Company treat all your buyers equally and not leaving us Free Software Community by forcing us to use proprietary software. My community and I could not promote your product BCM4313 as long as it could not be used without proprietary firmware. I wish Broadcom Company see examples of wifi devices that respect user’s freedom and sell to us new BCM4313 and such products that respects our freedom. I won’t hold myself to promote your products to my community and to all computer users (and I will ask my friends to promote them, too) if you Broadcom Company did it. Thank you.

If you Broadcom Company wish to help us, here’s some good links:

So to Broadcom Company I wish you to help us by re-releasing as free software the BCM4313 firmware (and all codes related) for all buyers.

For you the users of Broadcom products and especially BCM4313 users I inform you that this device doesn’t respect your freedom. It forces you to accept and to use proprietary software (thus, if you’re a social being, to promote proprietary to your friends). It means the Broadcom Company deliberately not released the firmware as free software (so your GNU/Linux cannot run it). I could not promote this device to you and I wish you also would not promote it to your friends.

If you the users wish to buy hardware devices that respect your freedom, here are good links:

This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.